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🙋‍♂️ Manfred Neber · associate game director @Ubisoft Annecy

Théophile is the complete package as a game designer and as a team member. He worked with us as an intern on 🚵‍♀️ Riders Republic, but proved to be more than that. What he was to us, was a major contributor with great analytical skills, technical know how and creative drive. I can honestly say that Théophile made our team better. Because of him, we moved forward on complex topics and needed design, and got some great insights and perspective that are still moulding our initiatives to this day. I look forward to seeing where Théophile goes next, I can’t wait to see his future triumphs and the success he brings to his next team.

🙋‍♂️ Mathieu Clavel · senior game designer @Ubisoft Annecy

It's been a pleasure working with Théophile during his internship on 🚵‍♀️ Riders Republic. He has proven to be very efficient and proactive, be it on documentation, game analysis and features implementation.

His great sense of Gameplay and capacity to listen to and iterate together with other job families are definitely strong assets that make him a very promising Game Designer.

I'd be more than happy to work again with Théophile in the future.